Muscle Strain

What is a Muscle Strain?

A muscle strain is a common cause for muscle pain, in medical terms it is a Myalgia, and happens as a result of excessive use or overstretching the muscle. A muscle strain produces a sharp pain and feels as if the muscle has been suddenly pulled. The resulting pain can range from light, mild or severe depending on the severity of the tear.

There are three different grades of strains:


  • Grade I: mild muscle strain with mild symptoms of discomfort
  • Grade II: moderate with moderate symptoms
  • Grade III: severe – a rupture or complete tear of the muscle


For any grade of the strains you will need support braces for a speedy recovery. These braces can reduce strain therefore you will feel less pain. We recommend you seek professional medical advice to diagnose the grade of strain you have so that you can receive the most appropriate treatment to you for your injury.

What causes a Muscle Strain?

Any muscle in the body can be strained. Large muscle groups such as the quadriceps and hamstrings are responsible for basic movements like walking and running. High impact sports where muscle strains are prominent such as soccer and basketball require the quadriceps and hamstrings to retain a lot of force and tension. At the same time these muscle groups constantly producing muscle power and movement.

Much of the time a muscle strain is the result of the traumatic forces becoming too much for the muscles to control. Eventually weakening creating minor tears which lead to a larger tear or the muscle becomes overstretched trying to perform a movement not within its range of movement.

Symptoms of a Muscle Strain

Symptoms of a muscle strain remain the same across all muscle groups:


  • Swelling/inflammation
  • Pain when muscle is in use
  • Pain caused by touching affected area
  • Bruising
  • Weakness/instability in muscle
  • Stiffness


Symptoms of a muscle strain remain the same across different muscles, although the severity of the strain will highly affect the intensity of each symptom.


Common strains within the Grade I stage do not usually require a full diagnosis and can be self-treated. If you are unsure of the severity of your muscle strain do not hesitate to consult your local doctor for advice. Most common strains and muscle injuries should be treated with the application of RICE to help with the healing process.


  • Rest the affected muscle as much as possible and as soon as possible
  • Ice the affected muscle as soon as possible to reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Compressing the muscle helps relieve swelling
  • Elevate the muscle above heart level to control swelling


Better Braces has a wide range of braces to support your recovery during and after your injury. We also provide muscle stimulators if you do endurance training like triathlons. To provide the best care for you possible we have fast delivery and a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not comfortable with the brace you receive. 

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