Product Details
- Product Description
Ideal Application
In addition to providing mild to moderate medial/lateral support, sturdy aluminum uprights allow this brace to be used in contact sports.
Features and Benefits
- Recommended for moderate stability and support for knee ligament meniscus injuries and sprains
- Contoured condyle pads
- Bilateral hinges to help provide additional knee support
- Provides soft tissue compression with maximum patient comfort
- Available in Neoprene or breathable cool Drytex® knit material provides an alternative to neoprene and elastics
- Available in sleeve or wraparound configuration
Please note the DonJoy Hinged Knee is the same brace as the Donjoy Deluxe Hinged Knee. The sleeve style is only available in Drytex material.
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Product Questions
DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace
Product Questions
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- 12/05/2014 1:05 am
- I have had surgery for a torn miniscus and some how it got rsinjured during physical therapy then had surgery a second time which caused a blood clot to my leg .I may have to live with this pain the rest of my life. I have had trouble in the past finding the right size brace with hinges. My knee mizures around 22" thigh & 17" shin what size as nd type do u recommend.
- We have the DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace and we also have the Economy Hinged Knee Brace. You would wear a large in our sizing.
- 9/05/2014 9:33 am
- Im 6'5" 300 lbs have meniscus tear left knee. Play racquetball and golf. need confidence when playing. What would you recommend?
- Thank you for your question. The Deluxe Hinged Knee can be used for meniscus tears. However, if you have a medial or a lateral tear, you may want to look at the OA Adjuster 3. This is a good brace for active/athletic people. It would be able to unload the side that has the tear to alleviate the pain.
- 4/05/2014 2:35 am
- I have a 15.8'" knee cap. The thigh and calf are medium. Which size should I order - medium or large.
- The medium will fit fine
- 3/05/2014 4:44 am
- 71 yr old male. Good health. 2013 experienced lower back pain (yet again). Began to have issues with leg mobility (nerve damage). August had L4/L5 laminectomy. DecemberL right leg gave out at the knee. Nerves slowly recovered but right leg still is "gimpy" and knee sometimes feels unsteady but has not failed. Have been biking and walking to build strength. Looking for right leg knee brace for 10K run/walk. Thoughts?
- Wayne
You need a general hinged knee brace to give all-around stability. We would suggest either the DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace or the Economy Hinged knee Brace Either one of these braces should give you the support that you require
- 1/05/2014 3:41 am
- Hello i wanted know about match for me braces cuz I got surgery yesterday meniscus tear removed, sew on left knee please let me know thanks
- Make sure your doctor wants you to wear a brace. After that surgery a sleeve would be sufficient.
- 26/04/2014 4:38 am
- My daughter tore her patella ligament. Doctor says she needs to wear patella J brace. Do you recommend the hinged wrap around Donjoy brace? I was thinking that if I purchase the hinged version, she can continue wearing it during future sport activites.
- Thank you for your question. The DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee brace is not going to be as specific to the patellar diagnosis your daughter has as the Lateral J would be. The lateral J can be worn during spots and activities. You can also purchase the Hinged Lateral J, which would provide added support to the knee joint as a whole.
- 14/04/2014 4:11 am
- I have osteoarthritis in the knee also I have lots of pain in the area in the back of the knee what do I need open popliteal or close popliteal and sleeve or wraparound for my type of arthritis also what material do you recommend.
- Maria
The popliteal opening is there if you get pinching in the back of your knee from the fabric of the brace. I usually suggest getting the pop opening if you have a big leg or have a history of knee braces pinching behind your knee. You can get the brace is a sleeve which is pulled up over the knee, or a wrap-around which is wrapped on with velcro. The material is Neoprenen and Drytex. Drytex is a little cooler and esier to put on if getting the sleeve
- 17/03/2014 3:06 am
- I am a 50yo female who completely tore my right ACL 17 years ago. I didn't have surgery and am able to do most activities with no pain. I am a 15 mile per week runner, also some cross training. Over the past year or so I have had right foot and heel pain, and also hip pain that has not responded well to chiropractic and massage treatments. I stopped running in December thinking that might be the cause, and did non-impact training, yoga, and Pilates until now. When I tried walking and running again in March the foot pain returned and hip stiffness remains. The knee is generally stable but there is some sloppiness. Which brace would help, and allow me to run again?
- Leslie
For just running the DonJoy Economy hinged knee Brace will give you moderate support for your knee. I would suggest you see your medical practitioner for the issue with your foot and hip, unless you have already.
- 7/03/2014 9:13 am
- I just had meniscus surgery on my left knee and may need it on my right knee as well. I'm an electrician and I'm up and down ladders and bending and kneeling a lot. what brace would you recommend for me to help me when I'm at work and can get back to work faster.
Bob - Bob
The DonJoy Deluxe hinged Knee Brace or the Economy hinged knee brace would both work for you. both braces give mild support to the knee. The Economy hinged knee brace has the hinges sewn into the fabric instead of on the outside the brace.
- I just had meniscus surgery on my left knee and may need it on my right knee as well. I'm an electrician and I'm up and down ladders and bending and kneeling a lot. what brace would you recommend for me to help me when I'm at work and can get back to work faster.
- 10/02/2014 10:41 am
- I have an MCL injury with much pain and inflamation on inner knee. I bought a Reaction Web brace, but it is painful to wear. Do you recommend this hinged knee brace instead? Will it cause pain to my inner knee also?
- Jen
The MCl tends to be very tender when injured but that will evetually go away. The Deluxe hinged knee is a better brace to protect that ligament. The hinge is on the outside of the sleeve so hopfully htat will be a little more comfortable than the Reaction
- 9/02/2014 6:18 pm
- Hello:
I ski and skate regularly and had ACL injuries (now healed) last year. I use the Playmaker brace on the injured knee and it's been great in supporting my knee through tough skiing days.
As I ski more aggressive slopes while getting older, I am wondering if you would recommend the Hinged Knee Brace or another model for my other knee which thankfully has not been injured. I would like something less bulky than the Playmaker.
Thanks a lot!
Angie - Angie
The DonJoy Deluxe hinge knee brace will provide stability to both the medial and lateral ligament of the leg but it doesn't have the same level of protection as the playmaker. If you have no injury on the side you want to brace, it will give general support
- Hello:
- 23/01/2014 8:03 am
- I have OA, had a torn miniscus removed, and Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos - I have a lot of movement in my tibia and as a result of having a laminectomy and cervical fusion within 8 months of each other many of my muscles are weak. I have had sleeve braces from my orthopedist and they just do not fit well - sliding down my legs and they generally don't prevent my knees from hyperextending. I am working with my PT to find a brace that would be mot effective - address most issues while rehabing. I also would prefer to not have a brace that would get too hot - under normal circumstances I bike, pilates, elliiptical and show dogs. Some ideas that I could take to my PT would be greatly appreciated - especially if the brace was more low-profile than not -- I am 5'7" with long legs and tend to turn my feet in as well. I know this a lot of information - I appreciate your help. K
- Kim
I would suggest either the Playmaker II wrap around knee brace or for something with a luittle more support the Don Joy SE 4 Knee Brace Both of these braces have our four points of leverage strapping sytem which will keep the leg stable. The Playmaker is made of a cool spacer material that breathes very well. The SE-4 is more supportive becuase it is a rigid hinged knee brace.
- 22/01/2014 7:12 am
- Does this particular knee brace come unopened in the box supplied with the tools to adjust the polycentric hinge?
- Thank you for your question. This brace will not come with any adjustable hardware. Any adjustments that need to be made which require tools/hardware must be done at a facility or through a rep. You can locate the DonJoy rep in your area by using your zip code in the following link If you have any further questions please feel free to contact product support at 888.405.3251.
- 13/01/2014 2:53 pm
- Hi,
I'm in good shape, and exercise regularly. While skiing and hiking (downhill parts of the trail) I feel pain in the inner part of my knee. The pain is only during the activity itself, there is no swelling and after rest the pain subsides. The pain intensifies in cold weather.
Is this the right brace for me? If not, which would be recommended?
Thanks in advance! - Hello and thank you for your question. This brace is designed to add compression and warmth to the knee joint. You will also receive a moderate amount of support on the sides from the hinges. Without knowing specific diagnosis this brace sounds like it would add some pain relief during your activates and is short enough to be work with a ski boot.
- Hi,
- 5/01/2014 2:46 am
- I had meniscal transplant surgery about 18 months ago. I did physical therapy for the better part of a year with little to no relief. Subsequently I had a MRI which showed nothing structurally wrong with my knee, I was told it may be scar tissue build up among other things. I love to run and play basketball and it's been at least 18 months since I've done either. The pain is more moderate at this point but noticeable. Is there a brace you would recommend to help with this? Thank you!
- Jared
While the Deluxe Hinged knee brace will help with meniscal tears it might not take your pain away. if you have pain one one side of rht joint were your meniscal surgery occured we do have braces that unload that side of the knee creating space between the bone and the cartilage. These are our arthritis braces but they are used for meniscus injuries as well You can take a look at them here:
A brace for mild OA may do the trick, let us know if we can answer any other questions
- 4/01/2014 2:49 pm
- I sprained my knee while moving. I was lifting boxes up and down stairs to and from each location. I was also doing T25 and a squat challenge during this time. I recently lost 20 lbs and I plan to lose at least 30 more. I need a brace that will support my knee during HITT exercises. I plan to start P90X next week. I'm also a nurse and I'm required to lift patients on occasion. Please help me find a brace that will help me. Thank you!!
- Rachel
Without knowing exactly what your injury is, one of our hinged knee braces will give you support witha all your activities. Either the Deluxe Hinged knee or the economy hinged knee will work for you. They will give both medial and lateral support for your knee while doing activities.
- 3/01/2014 6:44 am
- I had Meniscus tears (both meniscuses in left knee) which was repaired two weeks ago. (No ligament issues). I am also about to start physical therapy.
I need a brace to use for basketball, walking, & jogging/light running on treadmill mostly. Basically all non-contact sports. I'm 5'10" and about 260 lbs.
Will a DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace provide enough support and meniscus tear protection during above activities? Or would another brace be better?
Thank you. - Peter
The DonJoy Deluxe Knee brace will be the best choice for you
- I had Meniscus tears (both meniscuses in left knee) which was repaired two weeks ago. (No ligament issues). I am also about to start physical therapy.
- 3/01/2014 5:26 am
- I sprained my ankle, my knee and tore my meniscus after landing badly while box jumping at the gym. I have been seeing a chiropractor for 2 months and he has giving me the go ahead to start working out again with limits. But I do not feel stable on my knee at all, and I would like to get a brace for support and to prevent re-injuring. But my chiropractor is against braces period he says that he doesn't believe in supplying the body with an aid instead to fix the problem right to begin with. I agree with completely fixing the issue. But how can I start to rebuild the muscle in my leg if I can't do anything besides a slow walk without feeling like I am going to fall. It feels like the top and the bottom knee separate in opposite direction when I move with more force then old lady walk. What knee brace would you recommend? I'm afraid to guess and waste my money. Please Help! I will be doing Zumba, and other Aerobic type exercises along with my weight training. But will be building back up to it not starting full go day 1.
- Crystal
First I would suggest you see a orthopedist for you knee. The Deluxe hinged knee support will give you both medial and lateral support. It will keep you knee from feeling like shifts laterally at the joint. Another option is the playmaker. This brace will protect all of your ligaments and keep it more secure than the Deluxe
- 25/12/2013 10:43 am
- I tore my acl and had surgery for it, I'm a junior going to be a senior next year looking for a brace, I play football skilled positions would you recommend this or ?
- Daniel
It dependes on how long ago your surgery was. The Playmaker with a fourcepoint hinge is the brace you should wear if your surgery was over a year ago. If you surgeru was more recent you should be wearing the DonJoy FullForce ligament brace: The brace is light-weight so being a football player in a skilled position you will not be weighted down with a heavy brace and it will give the best protection for a reconstructed ACL. The best brace you can get for Football is the DonJoy Defiance This brace is custome made for your leg has a carbon composite frame with a lifetime warranty on the fram and hinges.
- 19/12/2013 3:41 pm
- So I have had already 2 acl surgeries and my surgeon told me today that I stretched my graft about 1mm or less and he told me to find me a good knee brace that can be good for football and I play running back and it's been 3 months since my surgery and I'm 16. So please help me out
- Juan
Thank you for contacting DJO. Since you have had two ACL surgeries already at 16 you need to be in a rigid knee brace not a soft hinged knee brace. Take a look at the Defiance III This brace is our best knee brace that is custom made for your leg. It has a carbon composite frame, and with our FourcePoint hinge this will give you the best protection while playing football. We also have a patient ready brace called the DonJoy Armor This is our strongest patient ready brace and it has the same techmology as the Defiance. Either of these brace is what you should be wearing while playing football.
- 24/11/2013 8:04 am
- Need a brace which will keep my right knee locked in place. Unable to put weight on it with it buckling.
- Lloyd
Thank you for contacting product support. If you are interested in the DonJoy Deluxe Hinged knee Brace, in order to lock the brace when you stand you will also need to order the DonJoy DropLock Hinge Kit:
The hinge can easily be installed in your brace and has the ability to lock at the push of a button when you stand. If you are looking for something that already has a hinge that can be locked on it, the other option is one of our post-op braces If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
- 16/11/2013 12:56 am
- I have recently torn my ACL and meniscus playing football. I had meniscus surgery, but couldn't get the ACL surgery due to time limitations. I am going to jump into high school wrestling once my meniscus recovery time is completed. I am in need of a brace that can support my knee and lateral meniscus, while preventing translation due to my lack of an ACL. The brace also needs to meet the standards for wrestling competition: it cannot limit range of motion, and all metal must be covered by some type of soft coating. The smaller the knee brace, the better. Thanks in advance!
- Eric,
Because you do not have an ACL it would be recommended that you get a rigid brace. The rigid braces have the 4 points of leverage which will: isolate the femur and bring it forward and anchors the tibia to prevent it from moving forward. A sports cover can be purchased for any rigid braces to be worn during competition. Depending on your position in football the Armor (for linemen) or the FullForce would be a good option. The DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace will not provide the stability needed to support a knee that has no ACL.
- 20/09/2013 5:45 am
- My son has a Lateral Meniscus Tear from playing football. What brace would brace would be best to support him for Football. He wants to play through the season. he is a Running Back.
- The Playmaker, Playmaker II or one of our rigid hinged braces. As you go up in rigidity you go up in protection.
- 27/08/2013 5:17 pm
- I tore my medial meniscus waterskiing last summer. Now I have to be really careful to control the sideways movement of my knee to prevent it from locking up. Last weekend I was swimming and I kicked my feet, forgot to control the sideways movement and my injured knee locked up and I could not bend my knee or walk for several hours. I'm now afraid to ski or swim without it happening again. Is there a brace which will prevent the sideways movement allowing me to continue skiing and swimming without fear of my knee locking up again or me doing further damage? Thanks, Brian.
- Our OA braces would take pressure off the side of your knee with the torn meniscus. With your activity level you should be looking at the OA FullForce, which can be worn in the water and I would recommend getting a sports cover for when water skiing as to make sure the braces straps dont come undone while skiing.
- 27/08/2013 4:39 am
- I play a lot of softball and bowl, I tore my meniscus, partial tear in the ACL and dislocated my knee cap 6 months back, I'm a big guy 6'4" 330 lbs and need a good brace to support a high level of activity but don't want it to restrict my movement(I'm a corner infielder). I recently dislocated the knee again and I'm worry bout support more that anything. I also need something durable that can take some abuse, what would you recommend? Thanks.
- The Tru-Pull Advanced wity hinges would be an excellent brace for you it is lightweight, duable and has hinges to give some ACL support.
- 5/08/2013 10:57 am
- I am 5'10' and weigh about 280 lbs. My left knee has a meniscus tear & ACL tear. I am looking for a brace that is good for moderate to light activities such as walking, hiking and light jogging (basically forward movement activities that do not involve a lot of twisting). I have not been able to jog since my knee injury and was wondering if this knee brace would be right for my condition.
- Hello Jason,
I recommend an ACL Brace for your ACL Injury. We have options between Rigid Knee bracing and Soft Knee Braces. You can chose from the FullFource, Armor, Legend, or the Playmaker which is the soft knee brace.
Thanks for Contacting Donjoy.
- 27/07/2013 1:42 am
- •I have a meniscus and lcl tear that I have been dealing with for 30 years and never done a surgery to repair the torn minicus(but have injury every other year).
What knee brace do you suggest for maximum support to play tennis ?
Thank you for your assistance. - Hello Elina,
I recommend an Arthritis brace. Which compartment is damaged, your medial or lateral meniscus? Please take a look at the link below with your options.
Thanks for Contacting Donjoy.
- •I have a meniscus and lcl tear that I have been dealing with for 30 years and never done a surgery to repair the torn minicus(but have injury every other year).
- 25/07/2013 7:31 am
- Thanks for the previous answer on the style of brace. But what about the size? My knee cap is 15.5", the calf is 16" and the thigh is 20". The knee cap area may still be a little swollen. What size should I order?
- Hello Glenn
Your thigh is a Medium, Knee is a Large, Calf is a Large. I recommend a wrap around to accomodate the size difference, in wrap around I would order a Large.
Thanks for Contacting Donjoy.
- 24/07/2013 10:48 am
- Two questions. The first one is which brace would be best for me. I am leaning towards the Deluxe Hinged knee brace. The second question would be the correct size as my measurements fall into different categories.
I had an operation 6 months ago to repair my torn medial meniscus but at the same time the ortho found the lateral cartilage was disintegrated and I had bone on bone. He drilled three holes in the bone (microfracture surgery) in order to generate new cartilage. This seems to help as the only sore area is where the medial meniscus was repaired. However, I need to protect that area as the new cartilage is not as durable as the original.
The only caveat is that when I was doing rehab, my knee cap would pop whenever I did leg extensions. So I want to make sure the brace will both support my meniscus but also hold the knee cap in place.
For the second question. My knee cap is 15.5", the calf is 16" and the thigh is 20". The knee cap area may still be a little swollen. What size should I order?
Glenn - Hello Glenn,
I recommend the Deluxe Hinged Knee or the Economy Hinged Knee. These braces will provide medial and lateral support. If you would like to offload the meniscus we do offer Arthritis knee braces. Recommendation is only 1 compartment affected, so either you have a medial or lateral meniscus damage.
Thanks for Contacting Donjoy.
- Two questions. The first one is which brace would be best for me. I am leaning towards the Deluxe Hinged knee brace. The second question would be the correct size as my measurements fall into different categories.
- 21/07/2013 11:35 am
- My knee cap pops out of place quite often and I have used a donjoy brace for many years while I do any activity to keep it in place...although after many years of use it is about to fall apart. I would like to purchase the same brace, but I do not see it on your website and I'm not sure what it is called...what is the next best thing? My main focus is knee support and keeping my patella in place.
- Hello Heather,
I recommend the Tru-Pull Lite, this brace is low profile only 9inch's in length and provides maximum support to the Patella.
If you are searching on BetterBraces not all braces are listed there, trying searching on Donjoy's Site.
Thanks for Contacting Donjoy.
- 20/07/2013 12:29 am
- I have had two lateral meniscus tears. One on each knee, both of which required surgery. I want to get a brace mainly for my left knee because it gives me the most problems, but it would be great if I could switch sides if necessary. I am a basketball and lacrosse player, and I will be playing both in college as well. What knee brace would you recommend?
- Hello Amy,
I recommend a Rigid Knee Brace for lacrosse, this brace can also be used for basketball but is made in either Right or Left Side.
If you would like a Soft Knee Brace I recommend the Playmaker.
Thanks for Contacting Donjoy.
- 1/07/2013 12:34 pm
- Hello, I am male, 58, 6'3" 215 lbs. In April I hurt my knee by stepping in a depression on the lawn. MRI states the following:
1. Degenerative changes centrally to the medial meniscus with chondromalacia, cartilaginous denuding, subcortical degenerative disease.
2. Cartilaginous denuding and fissuring is present on the medial femoral condyle.
3. Bakers Cyst is small to moderate.
4. Popliteus tendon demonstrates mild tendinosis at the musculotendinous junction.
5. LCL, MCL are intact. Quadriceps tendon and Patellar ligament are normal.
I have gone to 2 Drs who advise to continue with physical therapy twice a week. My knee has stabilized, but still occasionally painful on the front and medial side. I want to get back to golfing and treadmill walking (or at least walking on the golf course).
QUESTION IS---What is the best brace for me to stabilize and support the knee during golf and during the day at work?
Thanks very much!
- Hello Ken,
I recommend an Osteo-Arthritis Knee Brace for your injury. This type of brace provides off-loading of the damaged meniscus, giving you pain relief. See the links below for your options.
Thanks for contacting Donjoy.
- Hello, I am male, 58, 6'3" 215 lbs. In April I hurt my knee by stepping in a depression on the lawn. MRI states the following:
- 27/06/2013 12:14 pm
- Like I mentioned before, I am looking for a smaller brace then the donjoy playmaker but yet still be protected.
I looked into the Economy hinged knee brace but it looks to me that the donjoy deluxe hinged will offer more support and is shorter in length, compared to the playmaker.
I will be using this for football, if that makes a difference. - Hello Don,
Yes the Deluxe hinged knee brace is shorter than the Playmaker, and the hinges are exposed. That's the difference you will see with the Economy Hinge Knee.
Thanks for contacting Donjoy.
- Like I mentioned before, I am looking for a smaller brace then the donjoy playmaker but yet still be protected.
- 26/06/2013 1:00 pm
- Will this knee brace be suitable for MCL injuries? i am physically healed up but my brain is still not 100%, so i want to wear a brace support without bulk.
I have the Donjoy playermaker but i was looking for a "smaller" brace. is this the one? - Hello Don,
The playmaker is a great brace for an MCL Injury due to it's length, 16". The longer the hinge the more support you will have. If you are interested in a shorter hinge I recommend the the Economy Hinged Knee, this brace is 12" long.
Thanks for Contacting Donjoy.
- Will this knee brace be suitable for MCL injuries? i am physically healed up but my brain is still not 100%, so i want to wear a brace support without bulk.
- 17/06/2013 2:04 am
- What brace do you recommend for a level 1 MCL injury that can be used in the water? Thanks! Ron
- Hello Ron,
You can use all our braces in the water, we recommend that you rinse it out each time.
Below find MCL Bracing.
Thanks for contacting Donjoy.
- 12/06/2013 2:07 am
- Hi. I tore my miniscus and acl in October 2012. I had surgery to repair the torn minicus in January 2013. He didn't do anything with the acl because of my age (64) and I'm not jogging or playing physical sports. I did physical theraphy for 6 weeks, and after 4 months he said I was good to go. Could start golfing, which is a favorite of mine. Took my first swing and my knee felt like it slipped out and went down to the ground. Waited another month and bought a compression sleeve to wear, but it still feels like it slips out when golfing or even if I get out of a chair the wrong way. What support would you suggest???
- Hello Joyce,
Since it sounds like your ACL deficient, you will need a brace that prevents anterior translation, this is what your ACL does. That is why you feel like your knee gives out, your missing your ACL.
I would try the Playmaker, in the wraparound version. If this isn't sufficient I would go up to the next best thing which would be a Rigid Knee Brace.
See Link Below.
Please contact a Product Specialist with additional questions. 1-888-405-3251.
- 7/06/2013 3:22 am
- I am 58 years old, and a 2x per week golfer, who likes to walk. Diagnosed with partially torn PCL or stretched MCL (depending on which dr i see), as well as a bakers cyst in back of the knee. Is there a brace that you would recommend for me?
- Hello Ken,
Have you had an MRI? That would give you a clear diagnosis. Here are your options; a Rigid Knee Brace or a Soft Brace with Hinges.
How Tall are you, the taller you are the longer brace you would want to purchase to give you more medial and lateral support.
Here are your options;
Wraparound is easier to apply.
If you have additional questions please call to speak to a Product Specialist. 1-888-405-3251.
- 28/05/2013 3:03 am
- I'm 85 yrs old with a knee that's tends to give out to the side when I bowl. I am in need of a brace for SUPPORT...that is easy to put on-take off. Also, I have neuropathy-uncertain if it would be a factor.
- Hello Hugh,
I would suggest a wrap-around knee brace. They are easy to put on.
Please call us if you need further assistance.
Thanks for contacting Donjoy.
- 1/05/2013 9:28 pm
- Hello!
I purchased the DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee brace about 2 years ago from your site. From what I see when I unscrew the 2 screws on the hinge there is a metal inserts that can be put in to limit the knee angle so that its not fully extended. I do not have the correct inserts. My question is do you sell these inserts if not where can I find them? Your help will be really appreciated.
Thank you - Hello,
I believe you are asking about the stops to limit flexion and extension. To be sure you are asking about the stops and not the key, Please Call Product Support so that we may better help you. Call 1-888-405-3251. A Product Specialist will help you place your order.
Have a Great Day.
- Hello!
- 23/04/2013 7:30 am
- Does the sleeve slide down?
- Hello, Elizabeth -
The sleeve will not slide down if you ensure that you take the appropriate measurements and choose your correct size accoring to our sizing chart. You would need to take 3 circumference measurements:
1. center of your knee
2. 6" above (thigh)
3. 6" below (calf)
Size Thigh Knee Center Calf
XS 13" - 15 1/2" 12"-13" 10"-12"
S 15 1/2" - 18 1/2" 13"-14" 12"-14"
M 18 1/2"- 21" 14"-15" 14"-16"
L 21"- 23 1/2" 15"-17" 16"-18"
XL 23 1/2" - 26 1/2" 17"-19" 18"-20"
XXL 26 1/2" - 29 1/2" 19"-21" 20"-22"
XXXL 29 1/2" -32" 21" -23" 22" -24
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact our product specialists at 888-405-3251. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
- 20/04/2013 9:27 am
- I had arthroscopic knee surgery for what we thoughtvwasca meniscus tear. Instead I had a plica excursion in addition to a great deal of cartilage removed from under my kneecap. Six weeks later, I am experiencing pain on th inside of my knee where the plica band was removed. I also have pain in the front of my kneecap. My surgeon says the plica excursion pain should improve. The pain around my kneecap however won't since I now have no cartilage under there making it bone on bone. A friend of mine recommended I get a Don Joy Hinged Knee Brace. I wanted to see if that's the best brace for me. I am a teacher so am n my feet all day. Before all this, I exercised multiple times per week and ran in 5K's. I want to get back to some or all of that but I'm not sure t it's possible. Please let me know M7
- Hello, Melissa -
The DonJoy Hinged Knee will provide mild to moderate support for your knee condition and desired activity. However another brace that we would recommend is the DonJoy Reaction Knee Brace:
If you have further questions please feel free to contact our product specialists at 888-405-3251.
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
- 6/04/2013 5:17 am
- Can I use this for wakeboarding? thanks!
- Martin,
All of our braces can be worn in the water. You should rinse it after water use with tap water and allow it to air dry.
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
- 6/02/2013 4:55 am
- What Knee Brace do you recommend?
I asked my ex-physical therapist what kind of knee brace I would benefit from using when I exercise, he suggested a hinged knee brace.
2 years ago I injured my knee playing basketball, I did a "bucket handle tear" to my meniscus and tore my ACL. I received surgery to repair the meniscus tear but I did not repair my torn ACL. To this day I have pain in my knee (more on the inside of my knee), the pain elevates after exercise however during I just feel discomfort, not unbearable but enough for me to think if I wore a brace it may just help a little. I'm not too good doing a side to side motion I have to really make sure I'm focused when I do it, of course that comes with my ACL being torn. The kind of exercising I do, is Elliptical machine, bike, power walking, circuit training. I am about to try kettle bell classes. I am overweight and have a good 70lbs to lose, I've found the pull on braces are a real pain to get on and off but maybe I just had the wrong size? After surgery I did have a wrap around one with hinges that seemed good at the time but then got too big.
Could you please suggest what knee brace I would benefit the best from? - Hello, Peta -
It sounds as though you are extremely active and with a torn ACL and other issues, you're going to want to have a brace that specifically supports that ACL. I would recommend a rigid brace as opposed to a soft good neoprene type of brace with a Fource Point Hinge. With your level of activity, a Full Force would be the most highly recommended:
If you prefer a soft good brace, the Playmaker would be your best choice.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact our product specialists at 888-405-3251.
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
- What Knee Brace do you recommend?
- 14/08/2012 11:11 am
- My son plays high school football , he is an offensive guard. No severe injuries to date, looking for a product that will help avoid knee injuries, without losing any range of movement
- Hi John
For an offensive lineman, I would recommend a more rigid knee brace. We will need to speak to you and find out more information on what will fit your son's needs. Please feel free to contact us at 1-888-405-3251 to speak with a product specialist to consult on the best brace possible for your son.
Thank you and have a great day.
- 7/08/2012 9:01 am
- what range of motion does this brace give?
- Hi Joe,
The brace allows full range of motion. It can also be adjusted to limit range of motion to various degrees.
Have a nice day
- 27/07/2012 5:10 am
- Which brace do you recommend for bowling to restrict knee bend?
- I would recommend the playmaker and ask to have flexion stops put in to prevent the knee from going past a certain degree while bending.
- 25/07/2012 6:39 am
- Looking for a brace that will not slide and is for osteoarthritis and minicsus tear. Need to get through one more marathon 42 km. 26.2 miles what do you recommend.
- You should look at our OA braces they would unload pressure on the side of your knee with the meniscus tear.
- 13/07/2012 3:51 pm
- I have just received my "Don Joy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace" from you today.
I know that it is set at -10 degrees extension. However, I am still symptomatic in weight bearing at that setting and need to try an extension stop at about -20 degrees.
Also, flexion past about 115 degrees is symptomatic, so I need to try a stop at about 110 degrees. My work is in P.T. with patients who depend on my support for their balance, transfers and safety. So I must be able to depend on the brace to block my extension in standing and block my flexion in bending.
Before placing my order, I called and spoke with one of your tech specialists and was told that I'd be able to adjust the hinge (actually that my P.T. could do so) I have tried to do so with a screw driver but not it's making any difference. Please advise me. (I'm back to work seeing patients in 5 days following being off this week to allow this new meniscus injury to rest/heal.)
Thanks, much,
Meg - Meg,
If you go to the DJO Global website you can locate the sales rep in your area. He can help install the stops you need. The website address is:
- I have just received my "Don Joy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace" from you today.
- 11/07/2012 7:23 am
- I see the pull on brace is 13" is the wrap brace the same
- Yes it is.
- 6/06/2012 7:51 pm
- I have a meniscus and lcl tear that I have been dealing with for 20 years. I have managed to work around my knee problems catering "my game" to my good knee. I know you recommend the deluxe hinged brace for meniscus/lcl injuries. Is this the best brace for jiu jitsu? A sport where knees are in constant flexion with pressure. Also I'm concerned about the medial/lateral hinges hurting my opponent since it is a close contact sport. Also because my knee is in flexion quite a bit is an open popliteal best? Budget is $150. Thanks.
- If you have full range of motion and you do not need to limit extension or flexion, we also offer the Economy Hinged Knee. Those hinges are covered so this might be best for your sport and protecting your opponents.
- 1/06/2012 11:01 pm
- Hello,
I'm an avid runner and I also do Cross-fit at least 4 days a week. My doctor px me the Donjoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace for my knee. I need to know if it is suitible for long distance running (10k) or if I should get something else to run and do Cross-fit with.
- Yes this product is suitable for long distance running.
- Hello,
- 31/07/2011 5:53 am
- I am interested in the deluxe hinged knee brace-I play a lot of golf and have a medial meniscus problem. I'd like some more information on fabric options, and what the open/closed popiteal is all about. I presume the sleeve version is one you pull on, the wraparound is one that seals shut with velcro and straps but please describe the differences. I really need the one that will give me the most lateral support and stability.
Thanks! - Yes the sleeve is a pull on application and the wrap around velcros in the front, which is easier to put on for athletes that are trying to put the brace on an off easily. The neoprene material is like wet suit material and is compression but can be a bit warm. The drytex material is a neoprene alternative which is more breatheable. Popliteal cut out is in the back of the knee to provide more breathability and circulation. I would not reccomend this if you have inflammation though because this tends to push the swelling to the back of the knee.
- I am interested in the deluxe hinged knee brace-I play a lot of golf and have a medial meniscus problem. I'd like some more information on fabric options, and what the open/closed popiteal is all about. I presume the sleeve version is one you pull on, the wraparound is one that seals shut with velcro and straps but please describe the differences. I really need the one that will give me the most lateral support and stability.
- 28/07/2011 5:20 am
- I had knee surgery for a torn meniscus. What brace would you recommend? I was looking at the Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace. I play football (linemen) would that be a good brace.
- The best brace for your condition and activity level is the Armor with Fourcepoint Hinges.
- 16/02/2011 4:30 am
- I have a medial miniscus tear with some arthritis under the knee cap. I play tennis and golf and will have surgery in 4 weeks. What brace would you recommend?
- You can see the Braces and Supports for Meniscus Tears here:
- 11/01/2011 1:57 pm
- My son had knee surgery to loosen the inside ligament and tighten the outside and had also knee dislocations. What knee brace do you suggest for maximum support of the ligaments and kneecap dislocations. He plays football
- A good brace for football with ligament protection and knee cap dislocations would be one of our rigid knee braces with the fourcepoint hinge and tru-pull advanced attachment. (TPAA) If he plays on the line, we would suggest the armor. If he plays a skill position, we would suggest the full force.
- 10/12/2010 6:44 am
- What knee brace do you recommend for a miniscus injury? Included is that the brace needs to include for use in contact sports (soccer). My recreational activities include soccer, running, and weight lifting. Previous braces have the problem of sliding down the leg. This seems to be an ongoing problem with most knee braces even with velcro straps. Thank you for your assistance.
- Hello Robert,
I recommend the DonJoy Drytex Playmaker Wraparound/Sleeve ( Be sure to use the measuring guide to ensure a proper fit.
If you don't exactly range into any one size, please give us a call so we can assist you further @ 800-553-6019.
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DonJoy Deluxe Hinged Knee Brace
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